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West Virginia’s STEAM Technical Assistance Center is committed to helping educators and students fall in love with STEAM experiences so West Virginia’s next generation can hone essential skill sets that will prepare them for college and STEAM-based careers. 

Together, we can unlock our students’ potential today so they can problem solve and make a difference in our world tomorrow.

About the STEAM TAC About classroom immersions


We want to help West Virginia students in grades 5-12 discover how to solve real-world challenges and everyday problems by integrating together science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics. 

Our STEAM immersions make the learning experience fun and accessible.


STEAM Center specialists come to you.

  • We work with teachers and students directly in their schools and in their classrooms through hands-on, interactive STEAM experiences.
  • We model lesson delivery and make sure educators are just as engaged and involved as their students.
  • We offer free standards-focused instruction, lesson plans, educational materials and resources to help guide STEAM learning in classes year-round.

Learn more about high school immersions

Learn more about middle school immersions


Making it easy for educators to teach STEAM and for students to learn STEAM.

There are limitless opportunities to practice STEAM skill sets and concepts. By empowering educators to integrate STEAM exercises into their classroom teaching, we are infusing innovative mindsets that will serve our students well for the rest of their lives. It’s a win-win for educators and students!

Educators gain:
  • Classroom immersion within school communities
  • Tailored lesson plans and instructional resources
  • Professional learning
  • Interactive toolkits
  • Unique partnership opportunities in local area
  • Confidence in teaching STEAM material
Students gain:
  • Hands-on, interactive experiences
  • Problem solving skills
  • Critical thinking mindsets
  • Interdisciplinary applications
  • Career exploration
  • Real-world relevancy
  • Exposure to STEAM experts


Dedicated to building STEAM-Minded learners, our Center works closely with STEAM-Minded WV to equip students with the right tools so they can become active learners who will maintain a competitive edge in today’s ever-evolving global job market and economy.

Learn more